Hurricane Preparation & Recovery for Crop Producers

— Written By
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During the next few days, WNC is forecasted to receive heavy amounts of rain resulting in possible crop loss due to crop damage. Food safety concerns will also arise due to flooding of produce crops.

Be prepared to record any crop losses and take before pictures and videos if possible. Store any necessary written documents in a safe dry place along with contact information for your insurance agency and the local Farm Service Agency office.

Preparation and Recovery

As you make final preparations before the storm and begin the recovery process in the next few days, there are some helpful resources related to specific commodities found below. Make sure to document all damage to crops prior to any cleanup and contact your insurance provider.

Hurricane Preparation and Recovery Commodity Guides for NC Producers

Strawberry Plasticulture Producers Guide

Tomato, Pepper, and Eggplant Producers Guide

In the event of flooding, be sure to check your pesticide storage for damage as well.

Controlling Pesticide Damage on Farm

Recording Crops Losses

If you experience crop losses, take photos and videos along with written notes of your losses. Important items to note include the following:

  • date of the weather event
  • list of crops affected
  • stage of the crop
  • map of the fields
  • percentage of the crop affected
  • yield loss estimates.
  • the date and time when the flooding event began
  • date and time flood waters receded

After making note of your damage, make sure to report your losses to the appropriate agency. Keep a running log of all contacts with various insurance agencies so you can refer back to it at a future date if needed.

Produce Safety After Flooding

 During flooding events, produce can easily become contaminated. Please take a moment to read the following factsheets on produce safety after a flood event.

Assessing Damage in Produce Crops During Times of Excessive Rainfall

Food Safety for Flooded Farms