Hurricane Helene Frequently Requested Resources

— Written By and last updated by
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Hurricane Helene Resources written in red with a hurricane photo in the background

Take a look below for a list of helpful resources as our community navigates the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. Think of this as a Frequently Asked Questions page. This page will be ever growing as we learn what our community needs answers, so check back frequently. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Please reach out, we will help you as best as you can.

Just a piece of extra information for anything you buy for damages to your farm, property, etc keep you receipts. Also, take photos of any damages. There may be federal/state government programs that can be utilized at a later time. This page will be updated as we get that information.

Hay and Livestock Donations

Need assistance with hay or livestock? Want to help with hay or livestock donations like where to take things or what is needed? Whatever you need, see below for information on how to receive help or help out the community!

Haywood County Hay & Agriculture Donations

Smoky Mountain Event Center (Formerly the Haywood County Fairgrounds) – 758 Crabtree Road Waynesville

Please call/text 828-565-7010

Donations taken or available for pickup Tuesday – Saturday 10-4

Other times by appointment

Hay and Livestock Donations Link – NCDA

Well Water

Below you’ll find an article on inspecting, purging and disinfecting your well after a flood. If you want more information on well testing in Haywood County, please call 828-452-6638.

Green Brothers Well Drilling (Canton, NC) – Free chlorination for contaminated well Travis @ 828-400-1803

After the Flood: Inspect, Purge and Disinfect Your Well

Recovery Resources for Farmers

Find out how to report crop loss, learn about assistance programs, farm clean up and much more.

Recovery Resources for Farmers

Federal Assistance After Hurricane Helene

Learn about FEMA assistance and other assistance programs at the website below or call the FEMA hotline at 1-800-621-3362 from 7 a.m. – 10 p.m. Haywood County also has a call center for questions or assistance related to Helene’s impact, call 828-356-2020 from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Federal Assistance Post Hurricane Helene

Food Safety

While this article has information on how to prepare for big storm, it also has information on how to handle food safety issues after storms.

Keeping Food Safe, Before and After Storms